PXLR is a revolutionary social media platform tailored specifically for video game enthusiasts. It serves as a vibrant hub where gamers from all corners of the globe can connect, share experiences, and immerse themselves in the world of gaming culture and give their opionions on the latest games. Post your first PXL today! ​ PXLR was created using React.JS as well as Tailwind CSS.

Live Site


Developed the visual identity for the PXLR brand, emphasizing a purple and dark grey color scheme tailored to resonate with the gaming aesthetic. Following this, I designed a comprehensive site map to outline the required pages and their structure. I also crafted an Entity-Relationship Diagram (ERD) to illustrate the data relationships within the backend system. Building on these elements, I created detailed wireframes for each page to ensure a cohesive and user-friendly design.

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